Millville Friends Meeting

An old place to make new Friends

Welcome! We are a congregation of Quakers who gather to worship and connect with each other every week in at the historic Millville Friends Meetinghouse

The first Millville Quakers worshiped in a log building constructed in 1795. In 1847 a new Meeting House was built with brick and continues to be the place where we gather.

 Today the Meeting House is still a hub of activity and a place to learn, grow, and meet with friends. In addition to our meetings for worship, we also provide regular educational programs, activities for children, and social times. 

Would you like to learn more about our meeting? Feel free to contact us

The Millville Friends Meeting is part of a larger collection of meeting houses from the surrounding geographical area, called the Upper Susquehanna Quarterly Meeting. This collective of meetings and meeting houses comprises Elklands, Huntington, Lewisburg, Millville, North Branch, Pennsdale, State College, Towanda and Wellsboro

Want to know more about Quakers? Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Faith & Practice includes advice on procedures within the faith, membership, current practice for conducting meeting business and numerous quotations from Friends on belief, worship, concerns, leadings, and testimonies. Also check out our Quaker Resources page

Millsville Friends Meeting  first erected in 1795' the current building was constructed in 1847. 

Community Life

From the beginning, Friends have recognized the importance of being in community. As early Friends struggled to follow God’s will, the Friends community provided spiritual support for their discernment of that will and material support for their families when they were imprisoned for their faith. Today, Friends continue to seek to be faithful, and their community continues to provide discernment and care.

Though Friends meetings vary in the range and nature of their activities, all meetings strive to offer a sympathetic and welcoming community in which people can share the joys and challenges of daily life. Friends meetings also offer discreet, confidential and loving support when needed, such as when a member feels a call to service or faces a life transition. In particular, the meeting may form a clearness committee to assist the individual in sorting out what to do.  The meeting may also refer the individual to other resources when support beyond what it can offer might be beneficial.

Extract from Philadelphia Yearly Meeting book of Faith and Practice.

Meeting for Worship

Every Sunday at 10am

Our meetings for worship are now all held in-person at the Meetinghouse each Sunday at 10:00 am.  

What is Meeting for Worship? 

At least once a week, the members of that meeting will gather for worship. The exact form of worship can vary, depending on the community’s spiritual orientation, as we’ll see in a bit, but silent worship is a core element of just about any Quaker meeting. (

Most First Days (Sunday) after meeting for worship, we host an Adult First Day (AFD) activity, discussion, social time, or outdoor activities. Once a month, on the second First Day, we gather to attend to business before meeting for worship. We resume the business meeting around 11:10 if there is still unfinished business on the agenda. See the schedule below for details. If you have questions about meeting for worship or any of our activities, please contact us, and we will follow up with an email. 

We hold online Meetings for Worship on Zoom twice monthly, usually on the first and third Sundays of each month. We meet at 9 am and worship for 30 minutes. Anyone is welcome to join us. To attend for the first time and receive the Zoom link, contact the Clerk

Calendar of Events 

For links to join this Zoom meeting, contact us.

22 September 2024

27-29 September Friday through Sunday

Theme: Finding Our Center as Individuals and Community

Featured presenter: Steve Chase.

29 September 2024

6 October 2024

13 October 2024

Monthly Meeting for Business

Second Sunday of each month at 9 am, continuing at 11:15 after worship.

For links to join this Zoom meeting, contact us.

Other Quaker Events and Announcements

Peace Vigil at the Bloomsburg town fountain every Wednesday at 5:00 pm. Now is a critical time to let Quaker voices speak for peace. 

Janice leads Tai Chi sessions at  Bloomsburg Town Library on Tuesdays and the first Saturday of each month at 10:00 am.

Financial Donations

Checks made out to Millville Monthly Meeting, sent to Millville Monthly Meeting Treasurer, 453 Black Run Road, Bloomsburg, PA 17815. (FYI: At this point we are not accepting credit cards or any other digital payments.) Persons interested in donating goods or services should contact the Clerk via the Contact Us form.